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The Clinton Democratic Committee extends our thanks to all volunteers who knocked on doors, made phone calls, donated to the committee, wrote postcards and posted lawn signs to get out the vote before the election 

Every Democrat on the ballot won the majority vote in the
Town of Clinton

Find All General Election Results on the Dutchess Board of Elections Website HERE

Local Voter Turnout data will be posted here when it becomes available.

Who We Are

We are local Democrats who embrace sustainability at a fiscal, environmental, and quality-of-life level.  To that end, our top priority is recruiting Democrats to run for local office and ensuring strong Democratic voter turnout by informing voters about elections, our candidates and the voting process.  We work closely with Dutchess County Board of Elections and the County Democratic Committee to meet these goals.
We appreciate your interest in our activities and look forward to welcoming you to a future meeting or event.
[Original size] ClintonVotes resized.png
Monthly Meeting
Masonic Hall, 1215 Centre Rd  

The Committee is busy updating our website and is beginning to plan for this year's nominating caucus.

We will have our first open meeting in February.  We look forward to seeing you there.


Saturday, February 15, 2025




(published in our monthly newsletter, Thursday  prior to our scheduled meeting. Subscribe above for details)

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.

The second best time is today!

Register to vote where it counts - vote in Clinton!

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